Goricko Nature Park Information Center
Grad 191, 9264 Grad
tel.: (031) 354 149
e-po¹ta: park.goricko@siol.net

Frequently asked questions


Will the Goričko Nature Park ensure funds for the renovation of cultural monuments?

Financial sources for the operation of parks in Slovenia come from the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy, and are intended for the operation of public services for preserving the natural environment.
Through successful cooperation with other ministries, the park can help to ensure funding for other areas.
The field of cultural monuments is regulated by the Law on the Protection of the Cultural Heritage and falls within the competency of the Ministry of Culture. Goričko has numerous cultural monuments and areas which bear witness to our history and which help to form the cultural landscape. Therefore the park in cooperation with the Institute for the Preservation of the Cultural Heritage will search for suitable means and financial funding for an appropriate presentation and utilization of the protected structures of cultural heritage.
The protective regimes which are determined by the Law on the Protection of the Cultural Heritage will not be changed by the proclamation of the Goričko Nature Park.

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